Microsoft flight simulator 2016 price
Microsoft flight simulator 2016 price

These versions had to be downgraded in a few areas in order to properly run on both consoles. Granted, the Xbox Series S/X versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator aren’t as impressive as the PC version. What’s even more surprising is that you can play Microsoft Flight Simulator on a console that will only cost you three hundred dollars. They are incredibly demanding titles that are supposed to render literal thousands of miles of the entire world in a realistic degree, for hours on end, without loading times… and now they are available on consoles. These “games” (and this is not an insult, just a fact) have always been way too CPU-heavy for any puny console in the market, putting even the most powerful of computers to the test. This is the first time a Flight Simulator game has been released on consoles, which is already a cause worth celebrating. The first thing I (and literally everyone else playing this game) did was to find my house in the game.

Microsoft flight simulator 2016 price